Kumi - Why I’m starting this blog

Year’s ago, I almost got a tattoo with my sister. Great story, I know.

The tattoo was “talithakumi” because we wanted to mark a moment, an ebenezer, of being brought back to life after a type of death. In the book of Mark there’s a story about a little girl who has died. The family begged for a rabbi to come who they heard was able to do miracles, but now it’s too late. Jesus comes and tells them calmly that the girl is only sleeping. He says to the dead child in Aramaic, “talitha, kumi” or “little girl, I say to you, arise.” She gets up and lives.

Kumi means arise. The goal of Kumi Stories is to awaken a kind of childlike hope and imagination in myself and others through crafting visual narratives. I’m also writing reflections on the journey as an experiment to cultivate deep attention, to remember the wells of meaning I’ve drawn from over the years, to ring the bells that still can ring strong and true. I hope you don’t mind if I swing from fantasy to reality on a daily basis. I’m hoping to land somewhere in between.

I invite friends and fellow sojourners to accompany me on this journey.

Thank you for visiting,



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